Fulton County Facility Reopens
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs will reopen on Tuesday, February 18, during normal business hours.
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs will reopen on Tuesday, February 18, during normal business hours.
The primary mission of the Fulton County Marshal’s Department is to preserve the peace, protect lives and to serve the public by enforcing the orders, writs and precepts of the State and Magistrate Courts of Fulton County, and other courts of competent judicial authority, in a responsible, efficient, and cost effective manner.
The Marshal's Department has sworn law enforcement personnel that are certified by Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council (P.O.S.T.). The Marshal's Department personnel:
H.B. 1203, as enacted, amends subsection (e) of O.C.G.A. § 44-7-55 to provide that:
[I]n the event the sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, or marshal is unable to execute the writ within 14 days from the landlord's application or request for [the] execution [of the writ of possession], the landlord shall be entitled to utilize the services of an off-duty sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, marshal, or other individual certified by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council having authority within the jurisdiction wherein the premises lie to execute such writ at the landlord's sole cost and expense. The sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, or marshal shall maintain a list of authorized off-duty sheriffs, sheriff deputies, constables, marshals, and other individuals certified by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and make the same available upon request by the landlord. The sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable or marshal shall maintain administrative authority over any persons executing writs under this subsection. The landlord shall provide written notice to the sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, or marshal of the date and time of the execution of the writ by such off-duty sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, marshal, or other individuals certified by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council at least five calendar days in advance of such execution in order to permit the sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, or marshal to note the same within their own records.
The Marshal’s Department has adopted policy and procedures to comply with the provisions of H.B. 1203.
A landlord or an agent for a landlord who is entitled to utilize the services of an off-duty certified peace officer to execute a writ of possession may assert this right by submitting an Application for Execution of a Writ of Possession in a Dispossessory (Eviction) Proceeding by Off-Duty Peace Officers. The application must be completed and submitted, in person, to the Fulton County Marshal’s Department at 160 Pryor St., S.W., Suite J3-102, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, at least five (5) days in advance of the scheduled execution. The individual submitting the application must display a valid government-issued identification document and allow a member of the Marshal’s Department to copy or scan the identification document. An employee of the Marshal’s Department will provide a copy of the writ of possession to the landlord or agent upon submission of the application. Upon receipt of the writ of the possession by the landlord or agent, the Marshal’s Department relinquishes any executing authority over the writ of possession in the future. The landlord, agent, or executing peace officer will be responsible for making a proper return to the appropriate clerk of court once the writ of possession is executed.
Application for Execution of a Writ of Possession in a Dispossessory (Eviction) Proceeding