Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday Closure
Fulton County Government offices and courts will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, January 21.
Fulton County Government offices and courts will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, January 21.
Fulton County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
LEPC’s are the product of federal legislation that was passed in the wake of Bhopal disaster in India, where more than 2,000 people died because of an accident involving an accidental release of a hazardous chemicals in a residential area. To prevent similar occurrences in our communities, Congress passed the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), also known as the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA Title III) in 1986.
In September 1989 the Fulton County Local Emergency Planning Committee (FCLEPC) was established by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners to pursue the development of an awareness program involving the community, industries, local governments and the news media regarding hazardous materials.
Why LEPCs?
Local LEPCs are the link between citizens, industry, and government. Because LEPC’s are most familiar with the hazards in their community, and because local citizens tend to be the first responders for chemical emergencies, LEPCs are in the best position to assist local governments in developing plans to prepared and respond to hazardous material emergencies. Together the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), other federal agencies, state agencies, and the chemical industry are cooperating with local communities and LEPCs to make EPCRA and related state laws more effective.
Who makes up the LEPC?
The LEPC is made up of representatives from all aspects of the community to include:
• Elected State and Local Officials
• Emergency Management
• Fire
• Police
• Public Health
• Hospitals
• Red Cross
• Industry and Facility Representatives
• Local Community and Civic Organizations
• Schools
• Local Media
• Transportation Agencies
Become a part of your local LEPC TODAY!
Fulton County LEPC Serves: Alpharetta, Atlanta, Chattahoochee Hills Country, College Park, East Point, Fairburn, Hapeville, Johns Creek, Milton, Mountain Park, Palmetto, Roswell, Sandy Springs, South Fulton and Union City. For more information on the Fulton County LEPC, contact 404-612-5660.
Fulton County E-Plan/Tier II Program
The Atlanta-Fulton County Emergency Management Agency oversees Fulton County’s Tier II Program. Tier II reporting is required by the State of Georgia Environmental Protection Division covered by the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act requirements. All companies that exceed allowable thresholds of certain chemicals must submit an Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Form to the Local Emergency Planning Committee, the State Emergency Response Commission, and the local fire department annually.
Georgia now requires all reporting to be electronic utilizing E-Plan. To file your report visit E-Plan. Please see Georgia’s instructions from the Environmental Protection Division.
To contact the Tier II program manager or report a hazardous material release, call the Georgia Environmental Protection Division at 404-387-4900 or visit their webpage.
What is E-Plan?
E-Plan is the nation’s largest database of chemical and facility hazards, with over 200,000 Tier II and 17,500 facilities from across the nation in one database. E-Plan was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Emergency Management in collaboration with the University of Texas at Dallas. It is a means of collecting chemical facility reporting information and addressing federal regulations regarding chemicals in the community.
How to become an E-Plan user
If you are submitting Tier II information for a facility, the process is simple and involves just a few minutes.
1. Go to E-Plan's Online Tier II Reporting System.
2. Click on the link to “Register Now” to begin the process. You will be asked to create a password and enter the submitter’s name and email address. You will then be assigned an Access ID number, which is a unique identifier for your facility.
3. Upload last year’s .zip or .t2s file: under the “Upload Tier2 .zip, Tier2 .t2s, or CAMEO.zip file” section, press the continue button.
If you are a state, local authority, or first responder wanting to access E-Plan facility information, go to E-Plan's signup page and follow the registration steps under the “First Responders” section. Enter in the information as an Account Type: USER.
During registration, you will be asked to select an authorizing authority. The authorizing authority is someone from your state or county that has been tasked with ensuring you are an individual that has a need to be an E-Plan user. The certification may take up to one week. Following the certifying official’s approval, the E-Plan administrative team will send you a confirmation e-mail that will include your username and password.