Fulton County Facility Closure
Fulton County offices and facilities will be closed to the public on Tuesday, January 21 due to severe cold weather and the possibility of wintry precipitation. For additional information, click here.
Fulton County offices and facilities will be closed to the public on Tuesday, January 21 due to severe cold weather and the possibility of wintry precipitation. For additional information, click here.
Adjustments to water and sewer accounts are available upon qualification for leaks classified as non-routine and not preventable by proper maintenance. Once the leak repair has been completed, a Leak Adjustment Request Form along with the appropriate repair statement must be submitted for an adjustment to be considered. A copy of a plumber or contractors repair bill must accompany the adjustment request. If you repaired the leak yourself, a copy of the receipt for materials purchased must accompany the request.
The form is not a guarantee that a credit will be applied to your bill. If a credit is issued, it will be reflected on your next bill. In most cases, an adjustment credit will only reduce and not eliminate an entire bill. You will be responsible for any remaining amounts. You will be notified if the request cannot be granted or if additional information is needed. Your request can be submitted via: