Early Voting
Early voting is now underway until November 1 for the November 5 General Election. Click here for early voting locations and times. Click here to download the Fulton County Voter App for all your election information.
Early voting is now underway until November 1 for the November 5 General Election. Click here for early voting locations and times. Click here to download the Fulton County Voter App for all your election information.
Continuum of Care (CoC) announces an increase in the amount of funding available for new project applications in the FY 2023 Local CoC Project Application Competition. The additional funding for $243,393.00 has been made available through voluntary reallocation.
Reallocation is a process by which a CoC shifts funds from an existing CoC-funded renewal project and makes it available for one or more new projects.
All organizations that had a representative attend the Mandatory Applicant Meeting held on August 1, 2023, are welcome to apply for the reallocated funding.
The Fulton County Continuum of Care has set local priorities as it relates to the reallocated funding. Applications that meet one or both of the priorities below will receive additional points for their application during the local competition Rating and Ranking process.
The CoC’s priorities for the reallocated funding are as follows:
1. New project expansions of renewal projects that were reduced by HUD during the FY 2022 CoC Competition.
2. New Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) project applications that serve all eligible chronically homeless populations and commit in writing to transfer participants from the reallocated project into their PSH program, if awarded. The written commitment must be submitted as an attachment to the Supplemental Application.
Please note that these priorities and the additional rating points associated will only be given to projects that apply specifically for the reallocation funding and do not apply to the original CoC Bonus or DV Bonus funding made available by HUD through the FY 2023 CoC Competition.
Renewal projects requesting an expansion through the reallocated funding will need to complete and submit the 2023 Renewal Supplemental Application.
All other projects applying for the reallocated funding will need to complete and submit the 2023 New Project – Reallocation - Supplemental Application.
All local CoC project applications, including applications requesting reallocated funding, are due by August 29, 2023, at 11:59:59 PM. All documents must be received as individual electronic files. Individual documents may be scanned but must be submitted as individual files. If all documents are scanned together, they will not be accepted. Applicants must email the PDF export of the e-snaps project application(s), Supplemental Application(s), and all attachments to Homelessinfo@fultoncountyga.gov by the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.
For more information about the Fulton County Continuum of Care and the FY 2023 Local CoC Project Application Competition please visit https://fultoncountyga.gov/inside-fulton-county/fulton-county-departments/community-development/homeless-services/continuum-of-care.