Fulton County Public Works Department to Host Free Septic System Webinar

Webinar web graphic titled "Free Virtual: Septic System Webinar"

Fulton County Public Works Department to Host Free Septic System Webinar

February 14, 2023
County residents will receive information about septic tank basics and maintenance.

Septic tank problems can cause big issues for you and your waterways. Most of these problems can be prevented with simple maintenance and best practices. Are you a resident of Fulton County with a septic system? Join Fulton County Public Works, the Fulton County Board of Health, and our local municipalities for a virtual septic system education workshop. Participants will learn about the parts of a septic system, helpful tips for maintenance, and when to call a septic system professional.

For more information and to submit questions in advance, contact Kelli.Edwards@fultoncountyga.gov.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023, from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m.

Register for this workshop by completing the short form found here: https://forms.gle/nTqdi99gYJL4bURx6.