Fulton County Facility Closure
Fulton County offices and facilities will be closed to the public on Tuesday, January 21 due to severe cold weather and the possibility of wintry precipitation. For additional information, click here.
Fulton County offices and facilities will be closed to the public on Tuesday, January 21 due to severe cold weather and the possibility of wintry precipitation. For additional information, click here.
Fulton County is proposing to amend to the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan, including the 2019 Annual Action Plan to include an allocation of funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) (Public Law 116-136) made available in supplemental Emergency Solutions Grant ESG-CV and Community Development Block Grant CDBG-CV in the amounts of $2,529,828 and $1,098,603, respectively.
ESG-CV funding will be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance. The funds will also support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impacts of this health crisis, per the Action Plan Amendment chart below.
ESG 2019 Action Plan Funding Categories | FY 2019 Action Plan Amendment Funding COVID Categories |
ESG 2019: HUD grant amount of, $162,596 and Fulton County’s General Fund Match, $162,596.
Add $2,529,828 of ESG COVID 19 funding to Fulton County 2019 Action Plan ESG Funding Categories:
ESG CV- 1 Funding ESG CV- 2 Funding ESG COVID- 19 Funding Total |
$ 574,624 $1,955,204 $2,529,828 |
CDBG-CV funding is for Cities under Cooperation Agreement with Fulton County to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus. Allowable COVID related projects and purchases include: acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of buildings, meal and medicine delivery, job training, health services for infectious disease response (testing, diagnosis or other services), purchase of equipment, supplies, and materials necessary to carry-out a services related to the coronavirus, per the Action Plan Amendment chart below.
CDBG 2019 Action Plan Funding Categories | FY 2019 Action Plan Amendment Funding COVID Categories |
CDBG 2019: HUD grant amount of, $1,896,494.
Add $1,098,603 of CDBG COVID 19 funding and categories to Fulton County 2019 Action Plan CDBG Funding Categories:
CDBG COVID- 19 Funding Total |
$ 1,098,603 |
In addition, all citizens are invited to view the proposed substantial amendment to ESG and CDBG programs from June 17, 2020 through June 23, 2020 on the Fulton County Community Development Block Grant Program website at:
Comments can be received at covidcommunityresponse@fultoncountyga.gov