Fulton County Facility Closure
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
The Fulton Fresh mobile market was created to educate residents living in communities designated as “food deserts” on the importance of fresh and in-season produce. Every week, attendees will participate in a 30-45 minute UGA Extension nutrition education and food demonstration and will then be given a free bag of in-season produce from our mobile market to take home and prepare. The produce is not sold; rather, it is given away to individuals who arrive to the nutrition class no later than by ten minutes after it begins.
This Summer, the mobile market will run for 10 weeks during the 2020 summer season, from June 2 - July 2 and July 14 - August 13. Each chosen organization will be served a total of 5 times during the summer season. Location stops will be selected through this application process and the location contact will assist in the set up and advertising of the mobile market stop.
New this Year………Fulton Fresh Kids’ Market!
Would you like to host a Fulton Fresh Kids’ Market? The Kids’ Market provides a nutrition lesson, interactive activities and food demonstrations for youth ages 8-14. This youth activity will run simultaneously with the adult market for the first two weeks of each market session (two youth programs for each host agency). Your organization must have a second indoor location available to host the Kids’ Market, seating for a minimum of 20 people, two tables and an electrical outlet.
1. We give priority to those locations that are located in a USDA food desert: https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/food-access-research-atlas/go-to-the-atlas.aspx or within a Fulton County Food Severity Index: https://performance.fultoncountyga.gov/stories/s/Access-to-Healthy-Foods-Analysis/b5hq-p75b/
2.The point of contact is responsible for marketing the five-week session and must be present at all sessions.
Agencies that have been selected in the past may apply again, but will go through the same rubric and interview process as every other agency that is interested and applies by the deadline.
Please submit the application by April 20t by 5 pm – NO EXCEPTIONS. If you have any questions, please contact Shirley Dodd at shirley.dodd@fultoncountyga.gov or 404-762-4077
Fill out the application at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWw93af35zm7VDy9F29wlguUKbOCxpzm7O0Z3r3x5SsoqhCQ/viewform