Fulton County Facility Closure
Fulton County offices and facilities will be closed to the public on Tuesday, January 21 due to severe cold weather and the possibility of wintry precipitation. For additional information, click here.
Fulton County offices and facilities will be closed to the public on Tuesday, January 21 due to severe cold weather and the possibility of wintry precipitation. For additional information, click here.
Full Fulton Technology & Energy Enhancement Authority Board Meeting:
The Board of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Wednesday, May 17, 2023 beginning at 3 p.m. in person at the at the Russell Innovation Center for Entrepreneurs, 504 Fair St SW, Atlanta, GA 30313 (U.S. Bank Elavon Boardroom). The meeting will also be available to view virtually at the following link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 760 686 7892
Passcode: bPuh0E
Legal, Compliance & Audit Committee Meeting:
Check back for upcoming meetings.
Strategic Planning & Bylaws Committee Meeting:
Check back for upcoming meetings.
Previous Meetings:
The Board of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Thursday, August 25, 2022 beginning at 3 PM in person at the Paul D. Coverdell Legislative Office Building, Room #510, 18 Capitol Square SW, Atlanta, GA 30334. The meeting will be available to view virtually at the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTJmYmMwMWEtMmYxYi00ZTc1LTg2YjQtYWYxOGQ5MGU5MDc0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221efd81f5-9e53-4599-9ec3-76e7b5dbdf81%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fc9a6603-ea25-44c6-85cc-a96c9ec47278%22%7d
The Board of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Monday, July 18, 2022 beginning at 2 PM in person at the Paul D. Coverdell Legislative Office Building, Room #510, 18 Capitol Square SW, Atlanta, GA 30334. The meeting will be available to view virtually at the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTJmYmMwMWEtMmYxYi00ZTc1LTg2YjQtYWYxOGQ5MGU5MDc0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221efd81f5-9e53-4599-9ec3-76e7b5dbdf81%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fc9a6603-ea25-44c6-85cc-a96c9ec47278%22%7d
The Board of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Tuesday, June 14, 2022 beginning at 2 PM in person at the Paul D. Coverdell Legislative Office Building, Room #510, 18 Capitol Square SW, Atlanta, GA 30334. The meeting will be available to view virtually at the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTJmYmMwMWEtMmYxYi00ZTc1LTg2YjQtYWYxOGQ5MGU5MDc0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221efd81f5-9e53-4599-9ec3-76e7b5dbdf81%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fc9a6603-ea25-44c6-85cc-a96c9ec47278%22%7d
The Board of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Tuesday, May 10, 2022 beginning at 2 PM in person at the Paul D. Coverdell Legislative Office Building, Room #510, 18 Capitol Square SW, Atlanta, GA 30334. The meeting will be available to view virtually at the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTJmYmMwMWEtMmYxYi00ZTc1LTg2YjQtYWYxOGQ5MGU5MDc0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221efd81f5-9e53-4599-9ec3-76e7b5dbdf81%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fc9a6603-ea25-44c6-85cc-a96c9ec47278%22%7d
The Board of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Tuesday, April 12, 2022 beginning at 2 PM in person at the Paul D. Coverdell Legislative Office Building, Room #510, 18 Capitol Square SW, Atlanta, GA 30334. The meeting will be available to view virtually at the following link:
Full Fulton Technology & Energy Enhancement Authority Board Meeting:
The Board of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2022 beginning at 2 PM virtually at the following link:
Legal, Compliance & Audit Committee Meeting:
The Legal, Compliance & Audit Committee of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Friday, January 28, 2022 beginning at 9 AM virtually at the following link:
Strategic Planning & Bylaws Committee Meeting:
The Strategic Planning & Bylaws Committee of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting on Friday, January 28, 2022 beginning at 10 AM virtually at the following link:
Legal, Compliance & Audit Committee Meeting:
The Legal, Compliance & Audit Committee of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Friday, January 14, 2022 beginning at 9 AM virtually at the following link:
Strategic Planning & Bylaws Committee Meeting:
The Strategic Planning & Bylaws Committee of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting on Friday, January 14, 2022 beginning at 10 AM virtually at the following link:
Legal, Compliance & Audit Committee Meeting:
The Legal, Compliance & Audit Committee of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting Friday, December 17, 2021 beginning at 9 AM virtually at the following link:
Strategic Planning & Bylaws Committee Meeting:
The Strategic Planning & Bylaws Committee of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting on Friday, December 17, 2021 beginning at 10 AM virtually at the following link:
The Strategic Planning & Bylaws Committee of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting on December 2, 2021 beginning at 9:00 AM virtually here at the following link:
November 19, 2021
Following a working retreat to be held Friday, November 19th (at 141 Pryor Street Southwest Suite 2052. Atlanta, GA 30303) and Saturday, November 20th (at 1600 Parkwood Circle, SE, Suite 200, Atlanta 30339), the Board of the Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority (FTEEA) will hold a meeting on November 20, 2021 beginning at 2:30 PM in person at 1600 Parkwood Circle, SE, Suite 200, Atlanta 30339. The meeting will also be hosted virtually at the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTFiM2EwYTUtOTgzOS00YjdmLTkyNjAtOWFmMmQ4YTc3MTNi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221efd81f5-9e53-4599-9ec3-76e7b5dbdf81%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fc9a6603-ea25-44c6-85cc-a96c9ec47278%22%7d
September 20, 2021
Meeting Notice: Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority
The Fulton Technology and Energy Enhancement Authority will meet on September 20, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. at the Georgia State Capitol, located at 206 Washington St SW, Atlanta, GA 30303