Reparations Task Force Meeting

A photo of Reparations Task Force Virtual Meeting

Reparations Task Force Meeting

View the September 7, 2023 agenda.

Citizens are allowed to voice Fulton County Reparations Task Force related opinions, concerns, requests, etc. during the Public Comment portion of the task force meeting. Participants must sign up to speak 15 minutes before the public comment period starts.

Zoom Link for public Comment...
Webinar ID: 944 7304 1588
Webinar Passcode: 444707

Reparations Task Force Meeting
Day: Thursday, September 07
Time of the Event: 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Add to Calendar 09/07/2023 18:00 09/07/2023 19:30 America/New_York Reparations Task Force Meeting Zoom