Teen Experience 2021 - An Online Series of Six Classes for Teens: Drugs and Alcohol

Teen Experience 2021 - An Online Series of Six Classes for Teens: Drugs and Alcohol

On July 22, 2021, at 1 pm the Fulton County Board of Health Adolescent Health and Youth Development program is hosting the TEEN EXPerience Series on Drugs and Alcohol. Young people will get information about the latest research about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, as well as understand how substance use can impact their growing brain and body. This session will also cover essential ways to communicate with peers to resist the pressure to use, empower healthy choices and decision making.

To sign up, please click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YDGVMMF

Topics that will be covered this month include Bullying (July 13), Puberty & Hygiene (July 15), Online Safety (July 20), Drugs & Alcohol (July 22), Teen Pregnancy & STI/HIV Prevention (July 27), and Healthy Relationships & Teen Dating Violence Prevention (July 29).

Please direct any question any questions regarding this workshop to D’Lareg Lee at dlareg.lee@fultoncountyga.gov or 404-613-1436

This workshop is being sponsored by the Fulton County Board of Health’s Adolescent Health & Youth Development Program.

Teen Experience 2021 - An Online Series of Six Classes for Teens: Drugs and Alcohol
Day: Thursday, July 22
Time of the Event: 1:00 PM
Add to Calendar 07/22/2021 13:00 07/22/2021 15:00 America/New_York Teen Experience 2021 - An Online Series of Six Classes for Teens: Drugs and Alcohol We know there’s a lot going on the minds of teens today. That’s why we created the Teen EXPerience, a FREE six-week series of candid conversations to help teens, ages 15 – 19, deal with the challenges in their world.